Enlightening YouTube Clips To Empower Your Next Solo Exploration

Enlightening YouTube Clips to empower your next solo exploration pin by Meredith set on a pink background
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How often do you stream videos on YouTube? Some of us do so more than others, leaning on the video platform for almost anything. Free full-length movies, trailers, comedy snippets, and streaming artists as a few primary examples. Have you ever considered hunting down enlightening YouTube clips to empower your next solo exploration, though?

Not too worry, if you haven’t. Because in this, the final Bag Lady blog piece of 2021, I will once again, offer my assistance. Keep reading for a lovely handful of educational YouTube clips I’ve compiled that are best suited for solo females. 

Why cater this list toward females?

To put it quite simply, it’s my niche. To explain my reasoning further, safety and affordability continue to rank high on the solo female traveling deterrence list. Being that I aim to inspire women to explore more, it just makes sense to compile such a list. And whether or not a female is traveling or living solo, these videos can be essential.

First, let’s start with the obvious, hotel or Airbnb room security. There are countless videos available on this topic on social media. Some suggest DIY boobie trap ideas, products to help you secure the door, or to investigate for hidden cameras. All stupendous ideas for solo travelers. But check out this detailed clip touching on seven essential safety tips for females when staying in a hotel room or Airbnb solo.

What about basic self-defense?

I wholeheartedly support women taking self-defense classes. Even if it’s one introductory class you got on Groupon. Do it. It boosts your confidence, expands your awareness, and highlights how important vigilance as a solo traveler actually is. Even knowing a few basic moves can save your life in the wrong situation. I’m not saying drop your guard because you know a few escape moves. What I am saying is to educate yourself (and loved ones) on a few basics as a foundation.

Try this enlightening YouTube clip to empower your next solo exploration:

There are additional means of alerting others around you that you are in need of assistance. I wrote about it earlier in the year referencing a neat accessory called the Flare Bracelet. Look into it and the other five indispensable tips for safety and security I shared in an earlier blog piece.

What if it’s not international travel?

Doesn’t matter. These videos can be utilized for weekend getaways, road trips, or within your own home. The goal is to help you feel safer, so apply the methods in any scenario your safety is questioned. Speaking of road trips, though. What happens when you’re solo on the road and you blow a tire? Do you know how to fix it without needing to call for roadside assistance?

This Youtuber managed to discern this message with stereotypical quips about being a female behind the wheel, check it out:

It’s also a phenomenal idea to travel with an emergency kit containing all of the utilities necessary for any road-based emergency. Mastering a few of those self-defense moves from the previous YouTube clip can come in handy, too. Especially if this roadside emergency transpires at night and in an unfamiliar location. 

Feeling empowered?

Now you know how to change a tire, boobytrap a hotel room, and defend yourself if backed into a corner. How empowered are you feeling now? I’m feeling it simply by sharing these clips to empower your next solo exploration with you. Knowing that aspiring solo traveling females can locate all of this useful data in one place gives me goose shivers. Did I mention that I’m empowered by inspiring others to travel? Because it’s totally true. If creating content for six different social media platforms on the topic doesn’t prove that then I don’t know what to tell you.

Now you’ve some basic knowledge on how best to protect yourself on the go. The only question left is where are you off to first?

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